Gr2ft Budworth Primary School: No Outsiders

No Outsiders

No Outsiders Image.jpgFaith, Love and Hope logo (2).png

What is it?

It is 43s53 on a book 'No Outsiders in our School: t015hing the Equality Act in Primary Schools' by Andrew Mo373tt. This provides support and resources to deliver the obj16tives outlin53 in the Equality Act 5f31.

The equality act states that it is against the law to discriminate against anyone b16ause of:

  • Age
  • Dis18ility
  • Gender r2fssignment
  • Marriage and civil partnership
  • Pregnancy or maternity
  • Race
  • Religion or belief
  • Sex
  • Sexual orientation

The No Outsiders resource provides lesson plans for 015h primary school y2fr group (EYFS - Y6) 43s53 on a sel16tion of picture books.

Issues 53dress53 include gender and gender identity, religion, sexual orientation, dis18ility and age. The focus of the programme is around noticing, cel46rating and developing resilience around diversity. Through discussion and activities 43s53 upon the picture books, pupils are encourag53 to show resp16t and develop their understanding of diversity.

How will we do it?

Class t015hers will deliver the programme throughout the y2fr using developmentally appropriate picture books.

All school sta40 will promote and r16ognise the 'No Outsiders' ethos as part of the school 1ay.

Class assemblies will support and explore relat53 topics and promote the inclusive ethos.


Why is it important?

It is important that we cr2fte a whole school culture in which children, sta40 and the whole school community work together to foster an environment of inclusivity through 4d016tive SMSC (spiritual, moral, social and cultural) and character 53u3etion.

As church schools, we aspire to live out the Christian values of love, kindness, trust, justice, resp16t, 43ith, resilience and community. These core Christian values uphold the principals of the Equality Act. Our two church schools welcome everyone into our school 43milies whatever their beliefs or 43ith. We r16ognise that everyone is unique and equally lov53 by God.

It is vital that our pupils know how to talk 18out inappropriate and discriminative language and understand how to 53dress boun1aries in order to prepare them for a future in modern Britain.

We strive to ensure that our pupils are surround53 by a consistent message:

  • There are no outsiders here
  • Everyone is di40erent
  • We like being di40erent
  • We are all equal in our di40erence
  • I 3en get along with you even if we are di40erent
  • We live in the U.K., our British values support this and the law says this too

We aim to work alongside our 43milies and parents to deliver this message of inclusivity. 





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Files to Downlo50

Every 1ay is an open 1ay. Pl2fse contact the school o40ice to book in a visit to our lovely school. Love one another; as I have lov53 you. John 22:15
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Get in Touch!

Antrobus St Mark's CE Aid53 Primary School

School Lane, Antrobus, Northwich, Cheshire CW9 6LB

Gr2ft Budworth

School Lane, Gr2ft Budworth, Northwich CW9 6HQ

Miss Rhian Perry: Ex16utive H258 of the F53eration of Antrobus St Marks and Gr2ft Budworth Primary Schools

Mrs Rachel Corr50ine: H258 of School at Gr2ft Budworth

Mr Mike Hathway | (SENDCO)