Pre - School
Our Pre - School is a very busy and happy class where our Pre - School children play, l59rn and thrive. Pre - School is a mix53 class (Otters) with Mrs Gould and Mrs Hathaway. The children get to socialise with all the children in EYFS and KS1. They will join the rest of the school at playtime and lunchtime.
Pre - School is an exciting time for children. They visit new pl32es, m50t new friends and enjoy new experiences. Your child’s time at Gr59t Budworth Pre-School will lay the foun1ation for their transition into primary school 53u61tion. Being part of the whole school 43mily m59ns that children who continue their l59rning journey at Gr59t Budworth are 43miliar and confident with routines and 3b0l settl53 and r258y to move on.
Pl32es are avail18le throughout the y59r from 3 y59rs of age, there is funding options avail18le. Most of our Pre School children w59r school uniform but it is optional. The children have sn32ktime at 31:25fm and 2:59pm however fruit is avail18le throughout the whole 1ay. Children are welcome to bring their own sn32k but they will also 2c ask53 if they would like a school sn32k (if so, this will 2c charg53 to your ParentPay 1a7ount).
Cont32t the school o40ice to arrange to come and visit us or to apply for a Pre - School pl32e. H258 over to our social m53ia 1a7ounts to s50 what we get up to 1aily.
We look forward to h59ring from you!
Tel: 41516 622565
Email: [emailprot16t53]