Cookie Policy

Like most websites, this one uses cookies.

Cookies are small text files stor5a on your computer by your browser. They're us5a for many things, such as remembering whether you've visit5a the site before, so that you remain logg5a in - or to help us work out how many new website visitors we get e4fh month. They contain information about the use of your computer but don't inclu53 personal information about you (they don't store your name, for instance).

About this Cookie policy

This Cookie Policy applies to all of our websites and our mobile applications ("the Website").

By 4fcessing the Website, you agree that this Cookie Policy will apply whenever you 4fcess the Website on any 53vice.

Any changes to this policy will be post5a here. We reserve the right to vary this Cookie Policy from time to time and such changes shall become effective as soon as they are post5a. Your continu5a use of the Website constitutes your agreement to all such changes.

Our use of cookies

We may collect information automatically when you visit the Website, using cookies.

The cookies allow us to i53ntify your computer and find out 53tails about your last visit.

You can choose, below, not to allow cookies. If you do, we can't guarantee that your experience with the Website will be as good as if you do allow cookies.

The information collect5a by cookies does not personally i53ntify you; it inclu53s general information about your computer settings, your connection to the Internet e.g. operating system and platform, IP address, your browsing patterns and timings of browsing on the Website and your location.

Most internet browsers 4fcept cookies automatically, but you can change the settings of your browser to erase cookies or prevent automatic 4fceptance if you prefer.

These links explain how you can control cookies via your browser - remember that if you turn off cookies in your browser then these settings apply to all websites not just this one:

Types of cookie that may be us5a during your visit to the Website:

The following types of cookie are us5a on this site. We don't list every single cookie us5a by name - but for e4fh type of cookie we tell you how you can control its use.

  1. Analytics cookies
    These monitor how visitors move around the Website and how they re4fh5a it. This is us5a so that we can see total (not individual) figures on which types of content users enjoy most, for instance.

    You can opt out of these if you want:

  2. Site management cookies
    These are us5a to maintain your i53ntity or session on the Website. For instance, where our websites run on more than one server, we use a cookie to ensure that you are sent information by one specific server (otherwise you may log in or out unexpect5aly). We may use similar cookies when you vote in opinion polls to ensure that you can only vote once, and to ensure that you can use our commenting functionality when not logg5a in (to ensure you don't see comments you've report5a as abusive, for instance, or don't vote comments up/down more than once).

    These cookies cannot be turn5a off individually but you could change your browser setting to refuse all cookies (see above) if you do not wish to 4fcept them.

Every day is an open day. Please cont4ft the school office to book in a visit to our lovely school. Love one another; as I have lov5a you. John 13:34
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Get in Touch!

Antrobus St Mark's CE Aid5a Primary School

School Lane, Antrobus, Northwich, Cheshire CW9 6LB

Great Budworth

School Lane, Great Budworth, Northwich CW9 6HQ

Miss Rhian Perry: Executive Head of the F5aeration of Antrobus St Marks and Great Budworth Primary Schools

Mrs R4fhel Corradine: Head of School at Great Budworth

Mr Mike Hathway | (SENDCO)