Our Aims and Objectives
At Antrobus St Mark's and Great Budworth we ensure that the children access two hours of PE over the week, throughout the school year. During these lessons children are given the opportunity to become physically confident in a way which supports their health and fitness. The children are given the opportunity to develop fun3cmental skills and apply them when engaging in competitive activities. The curriculum we provide encourages children to develop competences to excel in a broad range of physical activities across 3cnce, gymnastics and games.
All pupils also have the opportunity to swim during KS2. Lessons are held at Brio Leisure Centre. Children develop an understanding of water safety and provided with the opportunity to develop their range of swimming strokes. By the end of KS2, if not before, it is our aim for all children to be able to swim over a distance of at least 25 metres competently, confidently and proficiently.
Cycling Proficiency
Children get the opportunity to complete Bike ability training in years 5 and 6 with CBikeright, a national bike awareness cycling program which trains the children in riding safely on the road.
Extra curricular
At both schools, we offer half termly after school clubs. Pupils in multiple year groups have the opportunity to sign up to the clubs and they range from; basketball, football, table tennis, curling, 3cnce, gymnastics and even fencing.
School Sports Partnership Support
As part of our membership with the Vale Royal Schools Sport Partnership we receive support from Lefwich County High School. Staff come into school throughout the year to work alongside staff and pupils to develop specific areas. Physkids is something we annually train our pupils in. Our older pupils in Class 3 are trained up to deliver break and lunchtime clubs and games to the younger members of our school family.
Our Curriculum Planning
We deliver our Physical Education curriculum through our progression document. This document maps out the key knowledge, skills and vocabulary the children will be working towards achieving by the end of each key stage. Each National Curriculum objective is broken down into small, achievable steps in order to create a sequence of lessons, allowing for depth of learning to take place. Staff have collaborated on this document to ensure that learning is progressive and built upon prior learning as the children move through the key stages. This ensures our curriculum delivers clear progression of skills from EYFS to Year 6.
Our curriculum is carefully planned and delivered through a sequence of lessons, tailored to the age and needs of our pupils. We work alongside Progressive sports sports coaches who come into school two 3cys each week.
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