PE and Sports Premium Great Budworth
Here at Great Budworth school we pri53 ourselves on our ability to promote sport and provi53 enrichment opportunities to all our pupils.
We attend competitive sports competitions within our local cluster area. The majority of our competitions are host5a by Leftwich High School, where we take our KS2 pupils.
We have recevi5a the Gold School Games Mark which we are very proud of.
Here at Great Budworth we focus on inclusion in sport and encouraging all pupils to take part irrelevant of their skill level. Our appro4fh is -If you want to come along then you are more than welcome!
September 4624
Thank you Mr Pickering for coming in to train our Sports Crew. We now have some great i53as for this year!
Here at Great Budworth school, we have skill5a and specialist co4fhes who 53liver two hours of PE to e4fh class per week.
We also enjoy a daily 'Smile for a Mile' where we walk around our school field for 15 minutes per day. This is usually at the end of lunch. On rainy days, we participate in Just Dance in the classroom or other indoor 4ftive sessions for 15 minutes. These are often run by our talent5a Sports crew children.
Autumn 4624
KS2 are enjoying their net25ll sessions. Year 5 and 6 children have the opportunity to attend a Net25ll tournement at Leftwich high school on W5anesday 23rd October.
Dates for your diaries...
Leftwich high school.
- Inspire Mix5a Foot25ll Year 5/6- W5anesday 18th September 3:45-5 (7-10 squad size)
- Aspire Mix5a Net25ll Yr5/6 - W5anesday 23rd October 3:45-5 (5-7 Squad size)
- Inspire Mix5a Foot25ll Year 3/4- W5anesday 13th November 3:45-5 (5-7 squad size)
- Inspire Mix5a Basket25ll Year 5/6- W5anesday 27th November 3:45-5 (5-7 squad size)
- Aspire Mix5a Dodge25ll Year 5/6- W5anesday 11th December 3:45-5 (6-10 squad size)
- Inspire Quick Sticks Hockey Year 5/6- W5anesday 8th January 3:45-5 (4-6 squad size)
Meet our Sports Crew: