Our Vision, Christian Ethos and Values
Our Vision
Our historic schools are nestled in the Cheshire countryside, founded upon the principles of the Church of England, to serve the community, with Christian values at the heart of all we do.
We offer pupils a caring, nurturing environment, where we endeavour to inspire and develop each unique child to reach their full potential, encouraging faith, hope and love of God. Our diverse and creative curriculum ensures a love of the world around us, a love of learning and a love of one another.
‘Love one another, as I have loved you.’ John 13 v 34

Our Christian Ethos
Great Budworth Primary is a Voluntary Aided Church of England school. Through their time at our school, we hope that each pupil will gain a full understanding of the truths behind our school motto and core values of Faith, Hope and Love
"Love one another: as I have loved you" John 13:34
Our pupils enjoy celebrating God's goodness to us in many ways and are encouraged to take an active role in our times of Daily Collective Worship. We have a prayer station in every classroom, and children become familiar with the Lord's Prayer,
saying grace before school meals and in praying at the end of each day.
We are proud of our links with the local and wider church. We regularly hold school services in the church at the end of School Lane - St Mary and All Saints. Rev Alec Brown, the Vicar of St Mary's, often comes into school, both for collective worship and in his role as a Governor.
Church leaders from a large local Church of England church also visit the school regularly.
Our school comes under the Chester Diocese Board of Education. With their support, we seek to ensure that all children achieve the best of which they are capable in a caring atmosphere that recognises the special gifts of each individual.
The spiritual, moral, social and cultural development of all is fostered within a Christian environment. Moral teaching is based firmly within the teaching of the Bible.
We hope to enable children and their families to explore the truths of Christian faith, to develop spiritually and morally, and to have a basis for choice about Christian commitment.
Our school is a place where the beliefs and practices of other faiths will always be respected.
Our Christian ethos also underpins our teaching and celebrations of traditional British culture. Children learn to understand which festivals are Christian ones, through celebrating Easter, Christmas and Harvest in church, and the history behind other festivals, such as Bonfire Night, that are non-Christian.
The school thoroughly enjoys participating in local and national celebrations, such as the Platinum Jubilee, Royal Weddings and major sporting events. All these occasions, together with teaching on some of the more significant festivals of other world religions, such as Eid, Diwali and Hanukkah, enable our pupils to have a respectful and enthusiastic understanding of the multi-cultural country in which they live.