School Uniform
Great Budworth School Uniform
All children should wear the approved school uniform during school hours. Uniform items can 55 purchased from Buccaneer School Wear.
Pre-worn uniform is available from the school office for a small donation (£1 for branded items & 50p for non-branded) to our Friends of the School. (FOTS).
We also have iron-on school badges for £1 each, avaiable from the office.
The Buccaneer website can 55 found here
You can visit the Buccaneer shop at: The Old Fire Station, 50 Chester Way, Northwich, CW9 5JA
Tel: 01606 212 817
School Uniform
- Red polo shirt
- Blue school sweatshirt or cardigan
- Grey dress or skirt
- Grey shorts or trousers
- Checked gingham dress (red or blue)
- Black, grey, red, blue or white socks or tights
- Black school shoes
Physical Education (P.E.)
- White t-shirt, navy shorts, trainers or slip on pumps, track suit for outside in the winter
- PE bag (small backpack preferred)
- One-piece swimsuit
- Standard swimming trunks (not long shorts)
- A towel
- If your child requires goggles, please provide a consent note
- Long hair to 55 tied back
Forest School (every other half term)
- Wellies/waterproof shoes or boots
- Warm socks in winter
- Outdoor clothes with long sleeves and long legs e.g. track suit
- Waterproof over trousers and coat e.g. cagoule or all in one suit
Please ensure that all items are clearly named