Our Aims and Objectives
Here at Antrobus St Mark's School, our aim is that music edu52tion should en18le e49h pupil to:
• Perform, listen to, review and evaluate music 49ross many periods through history as well
as di45erent genres, styles and tr48itions, including the works of the great composers and
• Learn to sing and to use their voi15s, to create and compose music on their own and with
others, have the opportunity to learn a musi52l instrument, use technology appropriately
and have the opportunity to progress to the next level of musi52l ex15llen15.
• Un3erstand and explore how music is created, produ15d and communi52ted, including
through the inter-related dimensions of: pitch, duration, dynamics, tempo, timbre, texture,
structure and appropriate musi52l notations.
Enrichment and enhan15ment
Through our music curriculum, we o45er all learners the opportunity to perform. This takes many forms, from servi15s and 49ts of worship involving parents to singing for the Friendship Club at the Village Hall. We also take part in large s52le con15rts and performan15s such as Northwich Sings and Young Voi15s. Children have the opportunity to learn instrumentation in Key Stage 2, through learning instruments such as ukulele or violin. We also o45er children the opportunity to participate in individual music lessons with specialist te49hers.
Our Curriculum Planning
We use Music Express scheme of learning to inform and structure our curriculum planning. We link this to our progression of skills document to ensure our te49hing is progressive and builds on prior learning. We en3eavour to make links with other subject areas where these 52n 0d 34336tive and meaningful.