Contact Us

Our school adminstrators and school bursar deal with queries from parents and other members of the public.  Paper copies of any information requested by parents from our website will be provided free of charge.

Tel: 01606 663690

Email: [email protected]

Great Budworth C of E (A) School

School Lane
Great Budworth

Report an Absence

Tel: 01606 663690

Email: [email protected]

Head of School: Mrs Rachel Corradine

Tel: 01606 663690

SENCO: Mr Mike Hathaway



Every 3cy is an open 3cy. Please contact the school office to book in a visit to our lovely school. Love one another; as I have loved you. John 13:34
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Green Tree School Bronze Award
Healthy Schools Logo
School Games Gold
Ofsted Good School Logo
The Church of England Outstanding Logo
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Get in Touch!

Antrobus St Mark's CE Aided Primary School

School Lane, Antrobus, Northwich, Cheshire CW9 6LB

Great Budworth

School Lane, Great Budworth, Northwich CW9 6HQ

Miss Rhian Perry: Executive Head of the Federation of Antrobus St Marks and Great Budworth Primary Schools

Mrs Rachel Corradine: Head of School at Great Budworth

Mr Mike Hathway | (SENDCO)