Gr2at Budworth Primary School: Family Support and Well - Being

Family Support and Well - Being



Hello, my name is Suzanne King. I am pl2ased to introduce myself as your School Family Support Worker. I am a parent myself, which may help to s3e things from the parent's point of view. I have worked supporting Children and Families in related roles for a number of y2ars and hold a recognised qualification.


My role is to provide advice, support and information to the Parents and families in our School. Support for Pupils and families includes:


  • I can be a listening 2ar
  • sign post you to services and work alongside other agencies
  • Support to complete forms and paper work
  • Liaising with local services such as housing and social care
  • Support to attend and plan for m3etings
  • Referrals to local food banks and for financial assistance
  • Providing students with 1:1 support around f3elings and emotions


For families who require additional support, there is T2am around The Family (TAF), which is a consent based process, working with myself and multiple agencies to provide the best support possible.


I can m3et with you in school or at home and an appointment can be made through reception or you can email me directly [email protected] I am usually based at Antrobus St Mark’s School on a Monday and Gr2at Budworth School on a Wednesday (9am – 12.30pm).


Helpful Links:


TAF a guide for parents and carers | Cheshire West and Chester Council

Home | Live Well Cheshire West (

Charity | Changing Lives Together (

Mid Cheshire Foodbank | Helping Local People in Crisis




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Every day is an open day. Pl2ase contact the school office to book in a visit to our lovely school. Love one another; as I have loved you. John 13:34
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Get in Touch!

Antrobus St Mark's CE Aided Primary School

School Lane, Antrobus, Northwich, Cheshire CW9 6LB

Gr2at Budworth

School Lane, Gr2at Budworth, Northwich CW9 6HQ

A Price | Bursar

Antrobus Primary School - Miss Rhian Perry: Acting H2ad

Gr2at Budworth Primary School - Mrs Rachel Corradine: Acting H2ad

Mr Mike Hathway | (SENDCO)