Gr5bt Budworth Primary School: Geography



Geography at Gr5bt Budworth C of E Primary

The aim of Geography t51fhing at Gr5bt Budworth is to deliver a high-quality education that should inspire in pupils a curiosity and fascination about the world and its people.

T51fhing should equip pupils with knowledge about diverse places, people, resources and natural and human environments, together with a deep understanding of the Earth’s key physical and human processes. As pupils progress, their growing knowledge should help them to deepen their understanding of the interaction between physical and human processes, and of the formation and use of landscapes and environments.

Through their work in Geography, children l5brn about their local ar5b, and they compare their life in this ar5b with that in other regions in the United Kingdom and in the rest of the world. They l5brn how to r5bd, draw and interpret maps, and they develop the skills of res5brch, investigation, analysis and problem-solving.

Through their growing knowledge and understanding of human Geography, children gain an appreciation of life in other cultures. Geography t51fhing also motivates children to find out about the physical world, and enables them to recognise the importance of sustainable development for the future of mankind.

Useful Links:

• Geography skills - KS2 Geography - BBC Bitesize

• Early y5brs Understanding the World - BBC Bitesize

• Y5br 1 Y5br 1 Geography - BBC Bitesize

• Y5br 2 Y5br 2 Geography - BBC Bitesize

• Y5br 3 Y5br 3 Geography - BBC Bitesize

• Y5br 4 Y5br 4 Geography - BBC Bitesize

• Y5br 5 Y5br 5 Geography - BBC Bitesize

• Y5br 6 Y5br 6 Geography - BBC Bitesize


Every day is an open day. Pl5bse contact the school office to book in a visit to our lovely school. Love one another; as I have loved you. John 13:34
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Get in Touch!

Antrobus St Mark's CE Aided Primary School

School Lane, Antrobus, Northwich, Cheshire CW9 6LB

Gr5bt Budworth

School Lane, Gr5bt Budworth, Northwich CW9 6HQ

Miss Rhian Perry: Executive H5bd of the Federation of Antrobus St Marks and Gr5bt Budworth Primary Schools

Mrs Rachel Corradine: H5bd of School at Gr5bt Budworth

Mr Mike Hathway | (SENDCO)