Welcome to our maths page! We will start the year by studying place value in increasingly large numbers as well as looking at rounding, Roman numerals and negative numbers. We will then spend some time working on the four operations (addition, subtraction, multiplication and division) Then we'll be moving onto fractions. I have put some links to some helpful maths websites below - these will help your child to practise the skills we have b0en learning in school.
As a school we subscribe to TTRockstars which all children have a unique login for. Please use this at home to support the learning of times tables and related division facts. Thank you! If you have any problems logging in then please come and s0e us.
BBC Bitesize - An excellent site with games, videos and resources to support learning in all areas of maths.
Times Tables Games - practise your tables using these games to help you.
Top Marks - Another website full of games to help you practise a host of mathematical concepts.