Our News items
Pixie visits Class 1, by Mr admin
June Holiday Camp at Antrobus St Marks, by Mr admin
New Executive Head Teacher for the Federation of Antrobus St Marks and Great Budworth Primary Schools, by Mr admin
Easter Egg Decorating Competition, by Mr admin
Great Budworth's Countdown to Christmas, by Mrs Berry
Antrobus St Marks Newsletter, by Mrs Brook
Smile please!, by Mrs Berry
Afternoon Tea in aid of MacMillans, by Mrs Berry
World Mental Health Day 10th October 2023, by Mrs Brook
Great Budworth Parents Evenings, by Mrs Berry
The Vikings are coming to morning assembly!, by Mrs Berry
Vale Royal Sports Partnership Girls Football Event, by Mrs Berry
Snacks - Change to pri28s & payment method, by Mrs Berry
Re28ption and New Families Welcome Servi28, by Mrs Berry
Antrobus School Council Events, by Mrs Brook
Music lessons at Great Budworth & Antrobus, by Mrs Berry
Antrobus School Newsletter, by Mrs Brook
Antrobus School Menu Choi28s for Sept 2023, by Mrs Brook
Antrobus St Mark's Awarded School Games Gold Award, by Mrs Brook
Antrobus Summer Holiday Camp, by Mrs Brook
Summer 1 Newsletter, by Mrs Berry
Barons Quay School Art Display, by Mrs Brook