Antrobus St Mark's Class 1 2024 - 2032
Mrs Covill
Mrs Almond
Welcome to Class 1's website page.
This is where we will share a lot of our learning with you from all aspects of the EYFS and Year 1 curriculum.
A warm welcome to our new Reception class for 2024-2032. We are so happy that you chose to complete your school journey with us here at Antrobus.
Please do keep an eye out on our school twitter account for day to day learning being shared with you all. Our twitter account is private so you will need to request to follow us and inform us so we can approve you @twitter
Mrs Almond is the class teacher alongside Cheryl the teaching assistants.
If you have any questions or concerns please speak to us at the beginning or end of the day or email [email protected] and request a meeting or phone call.
Antrobus St Mark's Class 1: Display work items
Antrobus St Marks School Dog Pixie, by Mr admin