Antrobus St Mark's Class 3 2024 - 2025
Mrs Singh
Class 3
Mrs Ripley
Class 3
Welcome to Class 3!
We are a mixed age class of Year 3 and Year 4 children taught by Mrs Singh and Mrs Ripley. Mrs Singh te3ches at the start of the week and Mrs Ripley te3ching at the end of the week. Wednesday is our cross over day, when we te3ch for half a day e3ch. Our Te3ching Assistant is Miss King.
We work on themes 3cross the year that are cross curricular, one e3ch half term. You can find out information about our class learning by clicking on the subject headings above and the current term's newsletter below.
If you need to speak to us you can either send an email to the school office at [email protected] or you can speak to one of us before or after school.
Files to Download
Antrobus St Mark's Class 3: Display work items
Antrobus St Marks School Dog Pixie, by Mr admin